Table Example
2025 Norwood Little League Board
Norwood Little League holds board meetings throughout the year. Active members in good standing of Norwood Little League are welcome to attend board meetings. Please contact the board Secretary to confirm the meeting time and location.
President |
Mike Kelley |
Vice President |
Scott Niemisto |
Treasurer |
Dan Carey |
Secretary |
Tom Sharkey |
Player Agent |
Steve Trovato |
Registrar |
Jay Kreisberg |
Equipment |
Bill Andruskevich/Matt Holm |
Sponsorship |
Stephanie Trovato/Jen Harty |
Safety Officer |
Matt Guinen |
Coaching |
Scott Niemisto |
Majors |
Ryan Connelly |
Minors |
AA Ball |
Bill Andruskevich |
A Ball |
Jacob Sheinhite |
Rookie Ball |
Snack Shack |
Field Management |
Volunteers |
Fundraising |
Stephanie Trovato/Jen Harty |
Summer Ball |
Bill Andruskevich |
Social Media |
Dan Carey |
Information |
Tom Sharkey |
Webmaster |
Stephen Trovato |
Practice Scheduler |
Kevin Quaranto |